
About me

Hi! i am Simple...

i am professional at minecraft plugin setups and in making servers

and a 1.16.5 X 1.20.1 style builder

I can make the following types of servers:-

     1:- towny servers
     2:- prison servers
     3:- bedwars servers
     4:- SMP servers (Survival Multiplayer Server)
     5:- Skyblock servers
     6:- Mini games servers
     7:- Bungeecord servers
     8:- KitPvP servers
     9:- hubs & lobbies

Having experience of 3+ years.

Currently developer at:-

1:- Head developer and executive of PotatoArmy.

2:- Nation Craft (closed because of insufficient funds)

3:- Space smp (Discontinued)

4:- Mystical smp (Discontinued)

5:- Miners Paradise (Ran by a youtuber)

6:- Meltdown (LIFESTEAL server)

7:- Vibranium Network or Bricks Network (under development)

Hover your mouse on text to see additional information

a duck with a hat dancing It's me dancing

I Have knowledge on some types of files such as:-

1:- Python .py

2:- javascript .js

3:- windows batch file .bat

4:- Javascript Object Notation .json

5:- HyperText Markup Language .html

6:- Cascading Style Sheets .css source files

Here are my social media links!:-

going to add more features in this wesbite soon!

Check out the Vibranium's website!!
we are working hard on our mission to enchance players experience on our platform...

Contact me!->
Email:-Click me to email

Copyright 2023 Simple

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